Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Skin Treatment Promises To Reverse Sun Damage

Some patients who want to turn the clock back on their sun-damaged skin are turning to dermatologists for light therapy, NBC 5 reported.Debbee Poche of Dallas said she received photodynamic therapy when her years spent in the sun resulted in pre-cancerous lesions on her skin.

Fiona Wright said.Then a BLU-U laser activates the chemical, Wright said."Medically it will remove the skin cancers; cosmetically, you get a great re-texturing, it helps with fine lines, reduces pores and I use it aggressively to treat acne," Wright said.Wright said many of her patients add a photofacial to help reduce redness."It changes texture of your skin, gets rid of pre- cancer and my insurance paid for it," Poche said.Wright said the treatment runs about $850.

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